Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Elf Adventures --- Day 1!

We were so excited to find a present under our Christmas tree this morning!  We opened it up and found an Elf on the Shelf! Many of the kids had one in Kindergarten, and I'm just so excited to use it again for 1st Grade. We opened up the box and read the letter from Santa. We learned all about how the elf can't be touched and that it is watching us to make sure we are on our best behavior!  We voted on names and ended up with "Elfie!" We began filling out our Elf Adventures journal, and we will continue to document "Elfie's" adventures each day until break.

Day 1:

I was so excited about "Elfie" that I forgot to take a picture of our actual Elf on the Shelf! BUT... don't worry! I will be taking pictures of his silliness each day from now on!

We also made our own elves and have them hanging up in our classroom. I just love the magic and excitement of this time of year. Being a 1st Grade teacher is the BEST!

Can't wait to see what "Elfie" does tomorrow!!!

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