Friday, November 7, 2014


In just FOUR short days... our class donated 108 food items to the Food Bank of Lincoln. Yes... you read that right!  108!!!  We were so excited!  We celebrated with a little snack and music.  I told the kids they can still bring more next week, since we are collecting donations at school through November 14th.  Now they are all excited to try to break 200 items!  Hats for Hunger was a huge success and it was so fun wearing our hats at school all day!

I just love the giving hearts that these kids have!  What a great thing for them to experience!  Now if we could just take a "normal" picture.... :)

Thank YOU for helping us reach our goal!  We appreciate you so much!

-Mrs. Sellenrick and the 1st graders in Room 112

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